For queries regarding the hiring of these videos please contact Betty Arnot, Cape Town 790-6278, email: mbon@mweb.co.za. Funds raised are used to cover operating costs and for donation to Rokpa Trust international charity organisation.


62 min

The essential teachings of Ramana Maharshi - narrated by Ram Dass. ‘There was a spontaneous simplicity and humility about him, a sense of universal equality and heart-melting love. His actions were natural and spontaneous, and reflected a life that was fully identified with the One Consciousness - the Self in all beings’ - Ram Dass. This video takes us on an inner journey into the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and the path of Self-Knowledge. Film footage of Ramana and interviews with his students emphasise his teaching of Self-Enquiry and its practice, and capture the presence of one of the most respected sages of this century. ‘In the quietness the mind will automatically return to its source and there will be a tremendous fountain of peace. All doubts are cleared and one remains quiet, in the heart.’ - Poonja

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE: teaching new doctors old tricks

60 min

People are turning increasingly to alternative medicine to cure their ills. Conventional medical practice is seen by some as placing too much emphasis on relieving symptoms, rather than treating the cause of the illness. The side effects of symptomatic treatment may also have detrimental effects on health, and the net result may not be a healthier person. The film looks at Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and other treatments that are making headway as practices in western medicine to promote health and healing at a more profound level.













52 min






52 min






52 min

Artists, scientists, spiritual leaders and economists gathered at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam in September 1990 to explore the emerging paradigm of a holistic world view and the implications for a global economy. The event was inspired by people who felt that artists have a responsibility to inspire a broader vision of our changing world. This video series is drawn from the gathering and from interviews with the participants at their homes and workplaces throughout the world. A fascinating series.

With Robert Rauschenberg, artist; David Bohm, quantum physicist and philosopher; the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhist leader; and Stanislav Menshikov, Russian economist. The participants speak of the need to move from a competitive to a compassionate society and of consciousness as a potential for the whole universe. Robert Rauschenberg says he is more interested in life than art. He promotes international understanding by taking his work to some of the most troubled places of the world, including China, Tibet and Russia. David Bohm explains his theory that life and mind are enfolded in everything. A philosopher and social critic, and one of the world's foremost scientists, Bohm was affected by his close contact with both Einstein and J. Krishnamurti. In Dharamsala, India, the Dalai Lama speaks on the nature of mind and on his personal feelings as leader of a nation in exile, since he fled the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959.

With Lawrence Weiner, conceptual artist; Rupert Sheldrake, biologist; Sogyal Rinpoche, Tibetan Buddhist teacher; and J. M. Leveque, director of Credit Lyonnais. Among the topics discussed are art and entropy; reincarnation and the morphogenetic field; the shift in physics and biology towards the idea of a living earth; and what the third world has to offer us. Lawrence Weiner talks of the social function of art. His visual language structures describe relationships between things and people and an area in which time is a continuum. Rupert Sheldrake speaks of the earth as Gaia, a living being with collective memories of the past. If one takes the view that nature is alive rather than dead, then one has a completely different view of reality. At his meditation centre in Berkeley, Sogyal Rinpoche explains the Tibetan concept of living and dying. He encourages his students to discover the relation between the forms and essence of their actions - it is creativity that bridges the gap.

With Marina Abromovic, performance artist; Fritjof Capra, physicist and ecologist; Raimon Pannikkar, Catholic priest and Hindu scholar; and H. J. Witteveen, former I.M.F. director. Among the topics discussed are ecological sustainability in a critical decade; the existential fear of change; the role of creativity in a new perception of reality; and the patterns that connect. Abromovic draws strength from nature and ancient cultures; her quest turned into a personal investigation of physical limits and mental potentials. Fritjof Capra disputes the mechanistic world view of Newton and Descartes and argues for the necessity of a systemic world view. He emphasizes that we are embedded in nature, not apart from it. Pannikkar speaks of the links between art, science and spirituality. He notes that there are no tools to understand understanding, although the existence of mankind is at stake.


BIOFEEDBACK: the yoga of the west



40 min

If we can make ourselves sick we can make ourselves well. Based on that assumption Dr Elmer Green and his colleagues research the ability of the mind to control the body. They test Indian Yogis who can stop their hearts at will or remain in an airtight box for over seven hours. They study a Dutchman who can skewer his arm with a rusty needle and prevent pain, bleeding and infection. They use biofeedback training to help patients overcome disease, to give prisoners a sense of self-mastery, and to give ordinary people deeper insight into their subconscious. An award winning film.


35 min

This film traces the life of Buddha from his birth as a prince, through time spent as a wandering mendicant in search of a solution to life’s sorrows, to his later years when he trudged the dusty paths of India preaching his ego-shattering, life redeeming message.

BURNING TIMES, THE (See Women and Spirituality Series)




Therese Schroder-Sheker

44 min

At the Abbey of Cluny, France, during the Middle Ages, dying monks were surrounded with special prayers and music to ease the transition from life into death. This holistic approach echoes to this day in the visionary work of Therese Schroeder-Sheker. Chalice of Repose is an intimate portrait in images and music, of how Schroeder-Sheker learned from the insights of Cluny and developed a unique approach for prescriptive music as a clinical care practice for the dying. Over the past two decades, her pioneering efforts have helped bring spiritual and physiological comfort to a wide range of patients with diverse symptoms. Told through real-life footage, Chalice of Repose documents the efforts of the Chalice of Repose Project, showing how contemplative musician-clinicians offer an ‘anointing of sound’ that can help dramatically alleviate the pain of dying. Chalice of Repose brings into focus an historical spiritual practice through the lives and work of Schroeder-Sheker and her colleagues - and the patients they serve through their music.


60 min

Based on a conference presented by best-selling author, psychologist and spiritual leader Ram Dass, A Change of Heart explores the value of volunteerism and service to others as a path to achieving a more complete and meaningful life. The film combines the wisdom and wit of Ram Dass; profiles of people from many walks of life actively involved in performing voluntary service; and the music of Peter Gabriel, Arlo Guthrie and others to explore the path to the change of heart that can help us look into - and beyond - ourselves and make more profound connections with one another.


20 min

A film to stir spiritual awareness. A beautiful production, imparting the peace and passion of the man of God.


58 min

This video provides guidance from amongst the most famous channelling practitioners. Ken Carey has written the best selling books such as Starseed Transmissions. Ken's Channelling began with the extra-terrestrial ‘Raphael’ and he has now evolved into other spiritually expanding forms. He takes us through a ‘how-to’ workshop on channelling. ‘Enlightenment is accepting ourselves, precisely as we are, in any moment of time.’ Lazaris has been channelled through Jack Pursel and is called ‘the consummate friend’. Lazaris' integrity, consistency and depth are unparalleled and his sense of love and growth is unforgettable. Marcel Vogel is one of the most respected crystal experts in the world, a prolific inventor and former senior scientist with IBM for 27 years. he demonstrates the step by step, invaluable use of crystals in channelling. ‘The most important element in crystal channelling is your willingness to experiment no matter what is.’ Other channelling experts are also featured.


60 min

Thomas Moore, psychotherapist and best-selling author of The Care of the Soul and Soul Mates, helps us find the sacredness in ordinary everyday life. The film explores Moore’s views on spiritual life that takes you much beyond yourself through self- acceptance, not self-improvement.


Spiritual Principles of Love and Wisdom

55 min


Since its publication in 1975, the book, A Course in Miracles, has sold more than 1 million copies and is studied worldwide. The story of the Course in Miracles is featured in this video, shot on location, spanning a seventy year period in the life of the people who brought forth the Course, Dr Helen Schucman and Dr William Thetford. Dramatised segments of the visions and dreams that led to the actual ‘scribing’ of the Course are also included. The video shows how people are using the Course to change their perceptions of life and gives accounts of what the Course means to different people and how it has affected their lives. The video shows how to release fear and practise forgiveness to create love, healing and peace. Best-selling authors are also featured: Marianne Williamson - outspoken advocate of the Course and author of numerous best-sellers; Gerald Jampolsky, M.D.- internationally recognised psychiatrist and lecturer, who is a practitioner of the Course.


67 min

The later dance solos: Pierrot, the Moon (1954); Changingwoman (1951); Fearful Symmetry (1957). Dancer, choreographer and director Jean Erdman occupies a unique position in twentieth century performing arts, and her genius for distilling human experience into abstract form influences American Modern Dance to this day. A dance soloist from 1938 to 1943, she created many roles in the repertory of that historic period. Her most intimate collaboration, that with her husband, the late Joseph Campbell, led to the embrace of the mythological dimension in her work. "My own urge to create dances came from a very deep, pre-verbal place, an exploration of states of being... I realized that each of these states was actually a human emotional realm which anchored at some point on the circular diagram of the monomyth."

DRAGONQUEST: sacred sites of Britain

53 min

Dragonquest is about our relationship with the earth through the ages, and explores the mysteries of the sacred sites in Britain, the earth’s spirit, and man’s interaction with it. Sites such as Stonehenge, Lindisfarne and Glastonbury are linked with leylines, acupuncture meridians, earth chakras, electromagnetic fields, ‘dragon paths’, myths, paganism and Celtic Christianity. It includes interviews with acclaimed authors including Sir George Trevelyan and John Michell, who share their thoughts on the origin of these sites and the history and legends that surround them. It was shot on location and features footage of great beauty. Whatever caused these stone shrines, castles, temples, and circles to be built, they remain amongst the most intriguing places on the planet.


58 min

The ten-year voyage of two filmmakers, brothers Lorne and Lawrence Blair, through the world's largest and least known archipelago - the exotic, mysterious islands of Indonesia. For 800 miles, through uncharted rainforest, the Blairs seek the last of the nomadic Punan Dyaks, the free-roving masters of the interior, the "dream wanderer" tribe believed to no longer exist. The brothers struggle inwards, plagued by torrential rain, quicksand, leeches, and virulent insects. Eventually, they find and live with the Punan Dyaks where they are initiated into the spiritual mysteries of the "dream wanderers". Lorne and Lawrence join the dance of the hornbill and get tattooed with the symbol of Aping - the Tree of All Life. This, their shaman explains to them, they will now bear in their lives as a reminder that all life forms are part of a single tree.


48 min

David Orr talks to Satish Kumar about what has been missing in our education system, and what kinds of models of learning he envisages for the future. Orr believes that current education has left out people, community, ecology and spirit, and that schools have largely been created to assist in industrialising the earth. He maintains that education is thus often too technical, and does not promote a more integrated and thus realistic worldview amongst people. Education is complicit in the current state of affairs, and is thus an essential component of any lasting solutions. He stresses that education cannot operate in isolation to the broader fabric of society, and that lifelong learning is necessary rather than an isolated educational period in people’s lives due to the rapid pace of change in the world today. (Video made of talk at Schumacher College: quality not very good but material excellent)





Part 1



Part 2






90 min



90 min

Beyond the threshold of our physical anatomy lies another type of anatomy - invisible to the eye, yet critical to our health. Composed of pure energy, this vast network not only determines how our bodies function and heal, but also serves as a connection to divine power and all life. In The Energetics of Healing, best-selling author and health authority Dr Caroline Myss reveals the energy anatomy behind the physical anatomy, and guides us through all seven chakra centres and correlates them with practices for learning the physical language of the spirit - and the spiritual language of the body. This video offers a new vision of the human body and the unseen obstacles to healing.

What does the human body’s energy anatomy look like? How is it possible to use intuition to diagnose imbalances in our own energy system? In Part 1 of The Energetics of Healing, Dr Caroline Myss looks back at her life and shares stories of her emergence as a leading authority on intuition and energy medicine. She shows how our thoughts translate into symptoms on illness and reveals the keys to stopping energy "leakages" from our bodies.

What would it look like if we could see how our bodies "store" positive, healthy thoughts? How can we best use spiritual practice? In Part 2 of The Energetics of Healing, Dr Caroline Myss continues her discussion of the chakras and summarizes their unseen role in a fully integrated life. The video concludes with guidelines for aligning our lives with the seven sacred principles held in common by the world’s great wisdom traditions.


R D Laing

55 min

R D Laing, psychiatrist, lecturer, and author, explores the dynamics of human relationships and the vital necessity of bringing honesty into our lives. Drawn to seeing the suffering and misery around him, Laing spent most of his life observing the incompatible contradictions that surround people living in lies and deception - a self-destruct system. Some of the most devastating research Laing conducted was with so-called "normal" families. "I don't think it's making the best of it to turn one's whole life into a living lie. You start to hate someone you have to pretend to love. Just walk in the other direction of that vicious circle... It's what Kierkegaard called a leap of faith, of just taking the risk to go for love and truth ... (to) throw ourselves into the abyss... It doesn't lead to self-annihilation or destruction, but the exact opposite." - R D Laing


Rupert Sheldrake

80 min

Rupert Sheldrake talks about experiments in morphic resonance and his book Seven Experiments that Might Change the World. Sheldrake, a distinguished biologist, focuses on a few simple experiments to show that mysterious phenomena currently outside the framework of science do exist and can be easily demonstrated. While Carl Jung said that to deny the existence of various mysterious phenomena is ‘simply ignorance’, many people hold that western science currently contains a comprehensive framework for reality, and thus are unwilling to accept phenomena which cannot fit into this worldview. Using his scientific background, Sheldrake observes common phenomena which reinforce the view that science is still very much in the process of mapping out reality rather than being definitive. He looks at simple subjects such as ‘How does a dog know that its owner is coming home?’. Iin his video, Sheldrake encourages science to be less rigid in its outlook so that ve towards a more integrated understanding of the world.


35 min

If you want to know the condition of your mind in the past, examine your body now. If you want to know what your body will look like in the future, examine your mind now. Endocrinologist and Ayurveda proponent Dr Deepak Chopra presents his premises for body/mind medicine. He makes important distinctions that clarify the bases of his method for activating the body’s own healing mechanisms, for evoking the innate, guiding intelligence of the body. Chopra discusses his approach to serious illnesses and the therapies he advocates. He tackles the issues of participating in our diseases, of their changing expression in our bodies, of spontaneous remission and of our mental strategies. He also stresses the importance of meditation.


57 min

In a series of 3 rare interviews James Redfield discusses his novel about the timeless wisdom found in a Peruvian manuscript, his visions, angels, the spirit world, the 9 original insights and the 10th insight, which he says are a set of tools to aid in our spiritual evolution.


58 min

Acclaimed authors, Marlo Morgan and Robert Wolff share their compelling stories of living with extraordinary aborigines and indigenous people, who as the holders of great ancient wisdom, have now been guided by Spirit to share crucial messages that can help save our world. Marlo Morgan, a mother, grandmother and health practitioner, took an unplanned four month 'walkabout' with the tribe of Real People, which she chronicles in her best-selling book, The Mutant Message Down Under. She says the only thing she knew to do was ‘to follow’. Robert Wolff, Ph.D., a noted social psychologist, who was raised among indigenous people in Suriname and Indonesia, is a recognised expert in healing and indigenous cultures and is the author of What it is to be Human. The indigenous people of Australia, who are known as the Real People, call us Mutants because we've forgotten the way to live in harmony with each other and the earth. They discuss telepathy, guidance, how the "dreamstate" creates reality and what it is like to lovingly trust the universe every day for food, shelter and survival. They increase our understanding of the source of identity, telepathic communication with dolphins and unforgettable wisdom for daily living. "The Real People tell no lies."- Marlo Morgan. (She has since acknowledged that her ‘journey’ was taken in another dimension.


25 min

This film documents John Freeman’s penetrating interview with Carl Jung. Freeman probes both Jung’s personal history as well as his pioneering psychological work. When Freeman asked Jung if he believed in God, Jung replied that he did not believe...he knew. It is Jung’s last on-camera interview before his death. A classic.


Ram Dass

105 min


The greatest adventure of our lifetime begins when we first fully encounter the certainty of dying. In this documentary of a special workshop given at the Omega Conference on Conscious Ageing, the great spiritual teacher Ram Dass guides us with compassion, wisdom, insight and humour to reflect on awakening to our own mortality, fully taking in the certainty of our death, anticipating the process of dying, and contemplating the mystery of who dies and what happens after we die. This can be a source of inspiration for those whose death may be close at hand and it is also a valuable guide for all who see death as the enemy. Ram Dass' own work with the dying underlies this workshop and gives strength to the message that the full appreciation of death and the journey of the spirit after death is a prerequisite for living life joyously now.


100 min

This is the last civilization of pre-Columbian America that vanished 400 years ago. It did not die - it went into hiding. For centuries, the Kogi have watched us from their mountain fastness. This film is their message and their warning. The Kogi Indians of Colombia call themselves the Elder Brothers of the human race, and are convinced that we, the younger brothers, will soon destroy the balance of life on earth. They believe that the only hope is for us to change our ways, and have set out to teach us what they know about nature and the spiritual world. Aluna is the Mother, whose law is harmony and balance. Kogi life revolves around this life force that shapes the world and makes it flower. You ask 'What is the Law of the Mother?' Put the brakes on. That is the Law of the Mother. Put the brakes on your tongue. Put the brakes on your mind, your sex. That way, you save gasoline, and your car will go a long way.

FULL CIRCLE (See Women and Spirituality Series)



GAIA THEORY, THE with Professor James Lovelock

45 min

The Gaia theory, that the earth is a self-regulating organism, was put forward by Prof Lovelock in the 1970s. This concept has gained wide support. In this new video, Lovelock, using computer models, articulately presents the origins and details of his theory in a manner accessible to people with little scientific knowledge. He proposes that, for humanity to survive, an evolutionary leap of consciousness is required, with a fundamental shift away from self-centred consumer life-styles and commerce.


88 min


In this ground-breaking production that put the men’s movement on the map, poet Robert Bly leads a group of men in exploring their deeper feelings - about themselves, their fathers, their sons and their roles in society. Men are drawn to a gathering like this one by a sense of loss, a loss of familiar myths and road maps, but also by a sense of hope. There is something optimistic about the very willingness of men to learn from each other through sharing their confusion over the problems in life. - Bill Moyers.

GLOBAL BRAIN, THE by Peter Russell

35 min

This film suggests that the earth is a living organism and considers what function the human race may be playing in this planetary system. A long-time best seller, this multi-media production suggests that we stand on a threshold of a major leap in human evolution and only through inner exploration will we find the resources to take us through this global crisis. This film uses music, special graphics and images ranging from atomic particles to galaxies, to present an inspiring vision of humanity’s future.

GODDESS REMEMBERED (See Women and Spirituality Series)




30 min

A warm, intimate look at growing old gracefully. Features the collective wisdom of many cultures. Green Winter is a highly personal, deeply felt reflection on growing old that will appeal to anyone facing a similar journey. Filmmaker Elda Hartley drew on decades of experience travelling the world, documenting the great cultural, religious and spiritual traditions. The film offers a refreshing range of viewpoints on ageing. It also examines a wide range of everyday issues: retirement versus continuing work, dealing with a spouse in declining health, considering nursing homes, and attitudes toward death and dying. Green Winter has won several awards.


Bill Moyers

85 min

Bill Moyers looks into the direct connection between the brain and the body. He talks with physicians, scientists, therapists and patients taking new approaches to healing. Here he focuses on two approaches to healing: The first is the use of mindfulness meditation techniques in mainstream hospitals to reduce stress by Dr Kabat-Zinn. His patients are mostly people whom modern medicine cannot help beyond temporary relief from symptoms. Moyers spends several weeks with the group participating in the process and interviewing doctors and patients. The second focus is on the effects of group therapy on physical conditions. The difference in the progress of disease between groups of people undergoing such therapy and those with identical conditions not in group therapy appears to be dramatic.



57 min

This film explores the human journey through life and death, illness and healing. It poses the idea that wellness is more than just the absence of disease; that healing goes deeper than simply curing symptoms. The film shows women and men suffering from ailments as diverse as depression and AIDS, and physicians practising both conventional and holistic medicine. An award winning film.


55 mins

An anthology featuring Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Bernie Siegel, Dr Bob Baer and Alison Strickland. The film is a combination of the best sequences on meditation, medical hypnosis and visualisation from a number of other popular productions. It is extremely beneficial for people with insomnia, stress-related disorders and for those who simply want to effect a change in their lives.

HEART OF TIBET: portrait of the Dalai Lama

60 min

This intimate portrait of the 14th Dalai Lama during a visit to Los Angeles reveals His Holiness as a man of simplicity and humour dealing with highly complex ideas and sensitive issues. The programme gives a real insight into this remarkable personality, augmented by interviews with the Dalai Lama himself, Robert Thurman (Professor of Buddhist Studies, Columbia University), John Avedon (author of In Exile from The Land of Snows), journalists and others. He appears as a spiritual teacher and a leading intellectual, as a Nobel Peace Prize laureate explaining the importance of the human heart, and as a political leader speaking of the continued occupation of Tibet. "Everyone has the responsibility to shape the future of humanity. So let us try to contribute as much as we can. Be a good human being with good heart. That gives you energy, peace, tranquillity and also inner strength. Simply, you see, by being a good person." - H.H. the Dalai Lama.


30 min

A modern interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita. The physical beauty of India is the background for the Hindu concepts of self-realization as expressed in the Bhagavad Gita, or Song of God...our purpose in life, the four yogas, the law of Karma, the four stages of life. Through the dialogue between Arjuna, a young prince, and Krishna, the charioteer and incarnation of God, a guide to life emerges: a guide that is both spiritually profound and eminently practical. The Bhagavad Gita is perhaps the best known and most influential of all Hindu scriptures, and has been translated into every major language.


28 min

We all want to know what we can do about peace but few feel we can really make a difference. The Hundredth Monkey phenomenon proves we can. The film reviews the research that shows how the thoughts of individuals affect the world. While feeding monkeys sweet potatoes on a Japanese island, a group of scientists discovered that when a critical number of monkeys learned a behaviour, all the monkeys in the tribe began exhibiting the behaviour - without being taught. Ken Keyes brought attention to this research in his book, The Hundredth Monkey, and he introduces the concept in this film. Both the book and the film support the notion that when awareness of an idea reaches a critical level, this awareness spreads exponentially and becomes universal.


52 min

Iindawo Zikathixo traces the Bushman (Khoisan) cultural legacy in south-eastern Africa against the backdrop of the Bushman rock art. It is a unique, visually-powerful record of a rapidly vanishing cultural heritage, and highlights the Bushman cultural legacy as it is expressed through rock art, music, oral history, traditional rituals and rainmaking. The video also features the present lifeways of Bushmen and their descendants who subsist variously as spiritual leaders, farm workers and as tourist attractions. It was filmed in the Drakensberg foothills of South Africa's north-eastern Cape, former Transkei, and in Lesotho. The documentary exposes the merciless force used by European settlers to conquer the Bushman hunting and gathering grounds. Some Bushmen escaped the genocide, and Iindawo Zikathixo explores the traces of their culture in African communities that intermarried with Bushmen in past times. A film by Richard Wicksteed.

INDIA AND THE INFINITE (See World Religions)



INNER VISION: Bernie Siegel

40 min

This film illustrates the many uses of visualization, from fighting cancer to improving reading skills. In a Siegel workshop participants learn the symbolic meaning of the pictures they draw of themselves and their illnesses. Siegel guides the participants in two extended visualization exercises.


52 min

David Bohm (1917-1992) was one of the world's greatest quantum physicists and philosophers of science and one of the most influential theorists of the emerging paradigm. Bohm brought together a radical view of physics, a deeply spiritual understanding, and a profound humanity. Bohm discusses his groundbreaking theory of wholeness and the implicate order in which he proposes a new model of reality that is a revolutionary challenge to physics. In the implicate order, any element contains enfolded within itself the totality of the universe. Bohm's concept of totality includes both matter and consciousness. He saw the universe as an undivided wholeness enfolded into an infinite background source that unfolds into the visible, material, and temporal world of our everyday lives. Thought can grasp the unfolded, but only something beyond thought - intuition, unmediated insight, intelligence - can experience the unfolded. Our challenge is self-transformation, living in both the timeless, and in time.


35 min

With Drs Lawrence LeShan, Kenneth Ring and Robert Munroe, pioneers in the study of survival after death. The film brings into focus the question of persistence of consciousness after biological death. Dr LeShan presents the scientific view. Dr Monroe (author of Journeys Out of the Body) leads us to the realisation that we are more than physical bodies. Dr Ring interviews four people who were clinically dead. An award winning production.


59 min

The one thing you dreaded: letting yourself fall, taking the step into uncertainty, the little step beyond all the securities that existed. And whoever had once surrendered himself, one single time, whoever had entrusted himself to fate was liberated.’ Leaving behind his wife and children at the age of 42 to seek out a new life in Montagnola, Switzerland, Hermann Hesse, one of the most original thinkers of this century and winner of the Nobel Literature award, began a new life of personal and creative rebirth. Hesse was to remain in Montagnola from 1919 until the end of his life. A committed pacifist, his home became a stopping place for anti-fascist writers, including Brecht. Here he produced his most important novels, including The Glass Bead Game, Siddhartha, and Steppenwolf. As Hesse was convinced that his external experiences were only essential if they coincided with phases of his interior or psychic evolution, the video takes account of the external circumstances of Hesse's life, yet focuses on his soul.


Andrew Harvey

59 min

Andrew Harvey, the youngest ever Fellow of All Souls, reveals in this documentary his spiritual journey from childhood in India to best-selling writer, novelist, poet and mystic. Harvey's first book, A Journey in Ladakh, charts his inner development under the guidance of his Tibetan lama and the beginning of his relationship with the ancient wisdom of Tibet. He later worked on The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying with Sogyal Rinpoche, a Tibetan master who appears in the film. Harvey is very frank about his homosexuality, his obsession with his distant, glamorous mother and about the private schools he went to in England. He discusses how his encounter with Mother Meera, the subject of his book, Hidden Journey, changed his life. He describes his experience of mysticism in an accessible way, as he is helped by interviews with friends such as novelist Iris Murdoch, biologist Rupert Sheldrake, analyst Anne Baring and the Dalai Lama.

MEDITATION - The Art of Meditation -

28 min

Alan Watts leads us to the calm that stops the chattering in the skull. The video is not academic - it is experiential. You are led step by step in the disciplines of posture, breath control and concentration. Watts claims that most of us are too hung up on the past and future. Through meditation one loses oneself in the eternal now, devoid of goal orientation.


Robert Bly and Deborah Tannen

58 min

Two popular, eloquent writers at the forefront of men's and women's issues bring an informed perspective on gender styles, how men and women approach each other and conversation itself. Bly and Tannen agree that it is crucial to describe both the differences and similarities, so that men and women can respect each other. They present a model of how that is done. With her analysis of the 'asymmetries' in the way men and women talk, their miscues and cross purposes, Tannen strikes a sensitive nerve for most people. She says that she has received letters from people saying they saved their marriages by reading her books. Bly, a poet fascinated with myths and rituals, has spent the last decade studying the plight of men. He says they tried almost desperately in the wake of the feminist movement to show their feminine sides, their feelings. Together, this pair of best-selling authors examine how ‘gender dialect’ works and reveal disturbing truths about the male power elite.


57 min

A comprehensive and compelling look at this remarkable 20th Century religious philosopher, Thomas Merton. Hailed as a prophet and mystic, censured for his outspoken social criticism, monk of the austere Trappist order for nearly 27 years, Merton was a warm compassionate writer as well as an anti-war advocate and witness to peace and interfaith dialogue. This critically acclaimed film examines Merton's life and work through insightful interviews with those who knew him, including the Dalai Lama, musician Joan Baez, monks he lived with and friends with whom he shared his deepest emotions. Merton offers an engaging profile of a man whose presence in the world touched millions of people and whose words and thoughts continue to have profound impact and relevance today.


Terence McKenna

Rupert Sheldrake

Ralph Abraham

88 min

"The flutter of the moth's wing can trigger the hurricane. This is not a poetic statement. This is the fact of the matter within this kind of description of nature. Very small changes create cascades into where whole states shift and are perturbed." - Terence McKenna. McKenna, shamanolgist and ethno-phamacologist, Rupert Sheldrake, biologist and originator of the theory of "morphogenetic fields", and Ralph Abraham, mathematician and leader in the new science of chaos, trialogue on the relationships between chaos, creativity and the imagination. McKenna points out anomalies and connections in nature, physics and deep psychedelic experience. Rupert contributes his theories of memory and habit in nature and Ralph speaks about chaos as the birthplace of order and creativity. Together, they challenge the assumptions of contemporary science and suggest that things are not what they seem. The concepts expressed in the video are made dazzlingly visible with stunning fractal visuals, images from the world of nature, and computer-animated graphics.


82 min

An award winning definitive portrait of Mother Teresa which was shot over five years in ten countries on four continents. The film illustrates how this great person transcended political, religious and social barriers with her works of love based on a deep faith.


Dr Karl Hendrik Robert

52 min

Karl Hendrik Robert is the founder of The Natural Step and one of the world’s leading environmental thinkers and activists. In this lecture given at the Schumacher College in the UK, he details the obvious environmental crisis that faces the earth, and outlines an approach to move towards sustainability, which he calls The Natural Step. In essence The Natural Step is two things: a simple way of judging the desirability of particular projects using ecological criteria; and a powerful method whereby people concerned about the environment can reach a consensus. Criteria for ecologically sound projects include: Will the project make less use of underground mineral deposits? Will the project produce less alien, artificial, persistent substances? Will the project lead to greater ecological diversity? Will the project lead to a reduced need for energy and materials? (Video made at Schumacher College - quality fairly poor.)


30 min

Russian physicist, Vladimir Chernousenko, describes what actually happened at Chernobyl in the worst accident in human history. He maintains that authorities in Russia and at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) are still seeking to deny and suppress the true story told in this gripping video. Chernousenko explains how nuclear radiation contaminated vast areas of Russia and much of Europe. He warns that the long-term impact will be felt throughout the world. He also warns that nuclear power is inherently dangerous and should be abandoned. He concludes by urging scientists around the world to join together in an effort to save the planet from such disasters in the future. At the time of making the video he was dying of radiation sickness from exposure at Chernobyl.


58 min

A talk given by Krishnamurti in 1982 under the oaks in Ojai, California. It presents a deep psychological and spiritual examination of love, suffering and death: "We are going to talk together about the nature of what we consider love ... So we ought to inquire very deeply - can all things which are false, like pride, arrogance, attachment and the desires, pleasures and so on which are obviously not love - can all that end? Because without love in our life, the perfume, the passion, the depth of life is lost. Life becomes very, very superficial." Krishnamurti asserts that loving and living in clarity without conflict are possible only if fear ends, and that this is made possible by the death of attachments and by daily regeneration. "This means you are - the mind is - incarnating afresh each day. That is creation. This is a mind that's creative."


60 min

Contacting your Guardian Angel and being receptive to the Angelic Realm in your daily life. Through rich, often poetic dialogues with well known authors and spiritual teachers like Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, Karyn Martin-Kuri, Jane Howard, Dorothy Maclean and Karen Goldman, we learn how to attune ourselves to the higher frequencies of Spirit, to be more aware of angels and nature spirits, to communicate with these messengers - our playful guardians - and to develop a deeper appreciation of our own place in Creation. Derek Partridge hosts this celestial journey of exploration, coloured by well known visionary artists and musicians


47 min

In a workshop with psychotherapists, Woolger, a Jungian analyst, employs his past-life regression techniques with several volunteers - with dramatic results. While accepting that these past life stories could all be fantasies, Dr Woolger feels that if the unconscious mind believes them, it doesn’t matter whether they are true or not. He looks at the way the person is reliving this story in his or her own current life. This is where past life regression becomes present life therapy.


30 min

Music, dance and poetic narration are used to present the six major religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, and Islam. Shots from around the world show the great variety of religious rituals and practices, with emphasis on the underlying philosophy similar in all. The Perennial Philosophy is the inner core of all the great spiritual traditions - "The Father and I are one, Look within, thou art the Buddha, Atman (individual consciousness) and Brahman (universal consciousness) are one, The kingdom of heaven is within, He who knows himself, knows God." At a time when creedal fanaticism is rampant he Perennial Philosophy speaks importantly in the name of peace, goodwill and world unity.


Bill Mollison

50 min

Bill Mollison believes that the single most destructive force on the planet is modern agriculture. It is destroying our soils, poisoning our water and producing toxic food. Instead, he has proposed a designed system of agriculture that uses the engineering principles of nature itself. He combines hundreds of species, plant and animal, into a fertile, self-regulating ecosystem. These Permaculture systems can be applied to the city as well as the country, and can work in any sort of climate. Once matured, one of his systems can provide most of the food for any household. The implications are far reaching. Bill Mollison’s Permaculture systems are currently in place in many developing nations, where environmental degradation and food shortages are greatest.


58 min

A journey into the mind and spirit of a remarkable man, Joseph Campbell, a legendary teacher, and a masterful storyteller, conducted by TV journalist Bill Moyers. Campbell made the mythology of love and its interpretations one of the great passions of his life - from the erotic mysticism of India, to the old testament Song of Songs, from the life of Christ and the teaching of Ramakrishna, to William Blake and Thomas Mann. "When you are awakened at the level of the heart to compassion and suffering with the other person, that is the beginning of humanity...it is the suffering that evokes the humanity of the human heart. Love, you might say, is the burning point of life and since all is sorrowful, so is love. And the stronger the love, the more that pain - that pain bears all things. Love itself is a pain, you might say - that is, the pain of being truly alive." - Joseph Campbell.


60 min

Six of today's most influential thinkers share their views on love and relationships. Personalities featured are Barbara de Angelis (The Secrets Every Woman Should Know About Men), John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), Harville Hendrix (Keeping the Love you Find), Erica Jong (Fear of Fifty, Inventing Memory), Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul), Marianne Williamson (The Healing of America). The human yearning for love and fulfilment, and our thirst for passion, not just sexual, but to feel vital, alive and free to be who we are, is explored. The video includes guidance on how to embrace our sexuality, the keys to living a passionate life, why we are attracted to certain people, overcoming the hardest challenge to making relationships work, and how living in a sacred, dynamic marriage can take us to our highest emotional and spiritual goals.


60 min

Seven of today's influential thinkers reveal their key insights to mastering the laws of success. It features Stephen Covey (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, First Things First), Mark V Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul, Soul Mates), Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love, The Healing of America), Bernie Siegel (Love, Medicine & Miracles), Gabrielle Roth (Maps to Ecstasy), and David White (Heart Aroused). These deeply moving, simple yet profound spiritual principles, invite us to move into a period of achievement and fulfilment. The practical steps include releasing fear and recovering vitality, cultivating abundance mentality, and acquiring the discipline to be a free spirit.

REQUIEM FOR A FAITH (See World Religions)





63 min

River of Freedom documents a transmission of Self-realisation from one of the few westerners who is fully able to pass on the essence of the sage Ramana Maharshi’s teachings. It is the story of an American woman who receives that transmission and offers it to others. The lineage starts with Ramana Maharshi, reportedly one of the greatest enlightened beings of our age. Using rare archival film and photos, Ramana and his teachings are documented. One of Ramana’s devotees, H.W.L Poonja (Papaji), a Self-realised teacher, received this transmission from Ramana in 1942 and has since been passing it on. In April 1990, Antoinette Varner (Gangaji) travelled to India. At the banks of the holy Ganga river she met Papaji. She is a strikingly peaceful and powerful woman. ‘You are that which you are searching for’.

SEEKING THE STONE: mind & time, spirit & matter

Terence McKenna

105 min

A unique perspective by Terence McKenna on the idea of a spiritual path for all and an impending transformation of the human world; the role of hallucinogenic plants in shamanism and their general impact on the evolution of human cultures and social forms. He discusses making choices about spiritual development and techniques, the historical foundations of modern spirituality and the roles that each person plays in the unfolding of the future. McKenna argues that substantial shifts in perception are urgently needed if we are to change the current course of western society - which is speeding towards disaster. He suggests how this shift could be achieved.


Deepak Chopra

80 min

According to Dr Deepak Chopra, success is a universal desire to experience the "progressive expansion of the state of happiness". This video version of his best selling book provides viewers with a front row seat to this "in person" talk by Dr Chopra, in which he weaves the basic elements of his philosophy into seven easily comprehended laws, or principles. This video offers Dr Chopra's magnetic presence and skill at discussing spirituality and consciousness. This is his step-by-step description of a system for developing one's "pure potentiality" for happiness, not a guide to making piles of money. Physician, philosopher, teacher, sage, Chopra is able to communicate with clarity and impact. "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" make wonderful guiding principles for anyone attempting to create a productive and satisfying life or human organization." - Ken Blanchard, Co-author, The One Minute Manager.


a conversation with Sam Keen

90 min

At the heart of sex is something intrinsically spiritual, the desire for a union so primal it can be called divine, says philosopher Sam Keen in this new provocative production. Keen lights the path to deep relatedness through knowing who we are, and honouring the individuality of the loved one. Breaking Taboos: The movement from religion to spirituality involves rebellion in the spirit of Jesus, Mohammed and others. The search for answers is a quest that leads to the breaking of taboos set by our family and society. The Erotic Life: There are no sexual techniques. There is only treating that other person as a marvel, as someone to be delighted in, to be cherished. Loving the Imperfect: The shared spiritual journey toward unconditional love involves openness, struggle, trust, and accepting a real person with all his or her gnarls, mystery and green, growing edges. Sam Keen was a professor of philosophy and religion before becoming a freelance thinker. Keen is also the author of a dozen books, including best selling Fire in the Belly.

SOUND OF WISDOM, THE - a Festival of Sacred Chant

60 min

A dynamic record of the historic meeting of musical practice of East and West, ancient and modern. Eleven Buddhist monks, practitioners of the Tantric arts of Tibet, perform their ritual chanting accompanied by Tibetan bells, cymbals, trumpets and long horns. The monks are joined in concerts and symposia by American composers whose work is inspired by the sacred music of the East - Philip Glass, David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir, Terry Riley, and Pauline Oliveros. The Sound of Wisdom explores the universal attributes of sacred music and its transformative power in human life.


60 min

According to Time magazine, almost 70% of the U.S. population believes in angels. All four major religions recognise angels as messengers from God whose purpose is to guide and teach human beings. Speaking with your Angels: A Guide is a video that teaches how to communicate directly with angels through writing. The program features a workshop conducted by Trudy Griswold and Barbara Mark, sisters and co-authors of Angelspeake: How to Talk with your Angels. They teach that we can receive angelic guidance by following a simple seven-step method. Speaking with your Angels: A Guide is a practical and inspirational program, teaching that reaching our angels is as simple as reading a recipe from a cookbook.


72 min

Best selling author/physician, Andrew Weil, M.D, has travelled the world investigating health and healing. In this video he shares his vision of the human body's innate healing abilities, and counsels us to cultivate the resilience and balance which are the essence of health. As a medical doctor trained in botany, Andrew Weil laments that conventional medicine has moved away from nature, and that its focus is on material structure rather than function. It is these conceptual limitations that are the root of the health care crisis, he tells us. His integrative approach to wellness is based on informed scepticism about suppressive Western medicine, and a deep appreciation of the healing power of nature.

SUFI WAY, THE (See World Religions)



TANTRA OF GYÜTO - Sacred Rituals of Tibet

52 min

Tantra of Gyüto is an account of the Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies by monks of the Gyüto Tantric College. Through ritual and mantric power, the Gyüto monks use sound to effect a specific change in the individual and his environment. By their sheer inherent potency and disciplined execution, these concentrated essential energies bring about direct spiritual phenomena. It is only in this exceptional time, an age of massive world changes, that the lamas have reversed their traditional practice of secrecy and allowed certain chants to be heard. These rituals were filmed by authorization of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who introduces the ceremonies. The film is prefaced by an account of Tibetan history, narrated by Francis Huxley, and incorporates rare historical footage from the 1920s to the 1950s.


25 min

In the Chinese language the word Tao means "way," indicating a way of thought or life. In about the 6th century BC, under the influence of ideas credited to Lao-tzu, Taoism became widely adopted in China. Like Confucianism, it has influenced every aspect of Chinese culture. John Blofeld, a highly respected writer on Eastern religion and culture, and an authority on Taoism, takes us on a journey of contemporary China to give a fascinating and penetrating insight into the thought of one of the world's greatest philosophies. All Chinese philosophy and culture tend to be 'Taoist' in a broad sense, since the idea of Tao is, in one form or another, central to traditional Chinese thinking. Thomas Merton

TIBETAN MEDICINE: a Buddhist approach to healing

35 min

Tibetan medicine heals both the physical and psychic being, treats the patient rather than the disease. The three poisons of ignorance, passion and aggression are considered the cause of disease. Medicines of animal, vegetable and mineral substances, gathered in the surrounding mountains as well as acupuncture and moxabustion are used by Ama Lobsang Dolma, the first lady doctor of Tibet. An award winning film.


47 min

An experiential guide to the source of the human being. This film is a compilation of various films by talented South African director Craig Foster.


Terence McKenna

50 min

World-renowned ethnobotanist, psychedelic-shamanic explorer and thinker extraordinaire, Terence McKenna is the author of five books and the famous software program Time-Wave. Based upon the mathematics underlying the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching, he gives his ideas on "The Big Picture", and discusses the implications for us during this unique and extraordinary period of human history. He also covers art, novelty, the Internet, time and the future as he sees it, and how we can align with "The Transcendent Object at the End of Time". A brilliant mind and clear speaker.

VOICES OF A NEW AGE narrated by Richie Havens

60 min

With Bernie Siegel, Baba Ram Dass, Jean Houston, John White, David Spangler, Pat Rodegast, Chungliang Al Huang, Peter Russell, Ken Ring and Judith Hollister. A number of today’s foremost spiritual teachers are brought together for the first time on a single production, sharing their ideas about creating a better future. This wide-ranging film explores the frontiers in health, science, spirituality and human consciousness. It will challenge and maybe shape your vision of the future.

WEB OF LIFE, THE - Fritjof Capra

33 min

The vitality and accessibility of Fritjof Capra's ideas have made him perhaps the most eloquent spokesperson of the latest findings emerging at the frontiers of scientific, social, and philosophical thought. In his international best-sellers The Tao of Physics and The Turning Point, he juxtaposed physics and mysticism to define a new vision of reality. In The Web of Life, Capra takes yet another giant step, describing interrelationships and interdependence of psychological, biological, physical, social, and cultural phenomena - the "web of life." In this video he comments on The Web of Life and discusses how his surprising findings stand in contrast to accepted paradigms of mechanism and Darwinism and provide a new foundation for ecological policies that will allow us to move towards sustainable practices (Video made of talk at Schumacher College: quality not very good but material excellent)

WHITE HOLE IN TIME, THE by Peter Russell

27 min

Music by Vangelis. In the sequel to The Global Brain, Peter Russell explores our ever-accelerating rate of development and how we’ve arrived at our global crisis. To navigate our way, he says we must awaken our spiritual inheritance, inner space, which is our next great frontier. "Spell binding. A spectacular and beautiful synthesis, full of wisdom and clarity. Alarming yet hopeful."


Thomas Moore

60 min

How do the world’s spiritual traditions answer these two questions? From a beggar in Calcutta to a high powered executive in a New York high-rise, the same question arises at some point in both of their lives. In this enlightening video, Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul, and Soulmates) shows how the great religious traditions of the world strive to solve these mysteries. This video probes the spiritual quests of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, Sufis and others. Travel inside a Christian Monastery where the monk leaves the distractions of the world behind to reconnect with God through undisturbed silence. Talk with a former Catholic who sees no difference between his new identity as a practising Buddhist monk and his ‘day job’ in the business world. Jews discuss the sense of a God involved in everything they do, the Agnostic struggles to define an interior life unsupported by any particular belief, and the Taoist advises ‘lighten up’. What is the reason behind the Sufi ‘whirling dervish’? How do Tibetan Buddhists use their unusual chanting methods? The video explores the many fascinating pathways people use in their ultimate journey towards a single goal: enlightenment.


Carl Jung









53 min


53 min


53 min

This series deals with Jung’s approach to the world of dreams and the unconscious, offering those familiar with the work of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung a new depth of understanding and introducing his concepts to the beginner. Interviews with Jung followers illuminate his ‘user-friendly’ psychological approach to life. The Wisdom of the Dream captures the essential spirit of Jung: a gentle man, a psychiatrist and scholar, painter, world traveller, and above all, a healer and a dreamer.

Viewers follow Jung’s life from his childhood, through his years as a hospital psychiatrist, to the initial influence of Freud and their disagreement and split. Former pupils and leading Jungian thinkers talk about Jung’s ideas and reveal his impact on their lives.

This programme focuses on Jung’s conception of archetypes - the stories and symbols that are shared by different cultures and make up the collective unconscious. Analyst John Beebe identifies archetypes emerging in current society. Rare footage traces Jung’s travels to Africa, Britain, and New Mexico.

Interviews with advocates of Jung’s theories reveal his enduring influence on modern life. Analyst John Beebe considers a key scene in Hitchcock’s Notorious in Jungian terms. Dr Harry Wilmer explains his remarkable research into the ‘healing nightmares’ of Vietnam veterans.

WITH A SILENT MIND: Krishnamurti

104 min

This richly detailed biographical film follows J. Krishnamurti’s life story, beginning with his discovery as a young boy in South India by the Theosophical Society, who believed him to be the vehicle for the awaited world teacher. In 1929 he courageously renounced his role as a messiah and broke with the organisation. His own deep insights are blended with the impressions of scientists, authors, educators, students and friends. Extraordinary archival footage from India, England and America provides a rich background for Krishnamurti’s story..


30 min

For the Northern Arapaho Wolf Society, the grey wolf is nature's greatest teacher. "The wolf is not just an animal but something inside you that makes you want to fight back, to come back, to be whole again." Inseparable from this is the message of the wolf: we have lost the sacredness of our way of life. But to hear it, people must first change their fundamental attitude toward the natural world. Wolf Nation includes rare archival photographs documenting the Northern Arapaho Wolf Society's history on the Northern Plains, including images of the last performance of their Wolf Dance recorded near the turn of the century. By granting permission for the telling of their story in this programme, the elders of the tribe are breaking a century of silence. They do so in honour of their ally's return and in fulfilment of their ancient prophecy that the teachings of this animal must someday be shared with the world.








54 min


56 min


57 min

This award winning series investigates women’s spirituality from ancient times to the present, tracing the current environmental crisis and prevailing attitudes toward women, to the loss of the ancient goddess culture that encouraged respect for the earth and the female.

An exploration of the goddess-centred religions, this film looks at women’s spirituality beginning in pre-historic times when women were respected as the source of life, wisdom and justice.

The Burning Times explores a phenomenon that, until recently, has curiously remained unexamined: the great witch craze that swept through Europe only a few centuries ago. This rivetting film explores many factors that led to this women holocaust and points out how its effects can be seen today in widespread violence towards women and neglect of our environment

This final part of the Women and Spirituality trilogy explores the many manifestations of contemporary women’s spirituality in the Western world. The authors, social activists, teachers and feminists featured in this film discuss the challenging of patriarchal boundaries. At the centre of these discussions is a reverence for the Earth - a sacred circle which we must protect. Drawing on the customs, rites and knowledge of the past, Full Circle envisions a sustainable future where domination is replaced by respect.


53 min

We are the first generation of women in history that has the opportunity to transform the quality of life for ourselves, our families, our communities, our nation and our world. United in heart and spirit, we can use our collective power to give birth to the kind of world we want to live in.’ Women leaders from all fields came together at the lst Women of Vision Regional Conference to launch this new world. This empowering video, shot at the conference, features: Louise L Hay, world-renowned speaker and author, Sidra Stone, Ph.D., noted psychologist and author, Elizabeth Herron, M.A., relationship expert and author, Rama Vernon, conflict resolution expert and diplomat, Carol Rosin, expert on banning weapons, Tina Allen, sculptor, Eleanor LeCain, environmental business analyst, and Barbara Marx Hubbard, visionary, futurist and author. They discuss topics such as how to be empowered in community with men, the financial secrets of successful women, the necessary new role for women, and being a creative force for a positive future.


85 min

Dubbed by Marshall McLuhan as "The Leonardo da Vinci of our times," Buckminster Fuller was an architect, inventor, scientist, teacher and philosopher. He advocated intelligent use of the earth's resources to gain the maximum return for the minimum of material and energy expended. He produced numerous models to show how it could be done. This comprehensive and up-close documentary of this great teacher shows not only the man and his motives, his ideas and inventions, but also illustrates his belief that the Utopia he envisioned is now within reach "on our beautiful little spaceship called Earth". Conceptualised by Einstein, the metaphysical can now really master the physical. Although Utopia may inadequately describe the extraordinary new freedom of man in a new relationship to the universe, the alternative is easier to name: Oblivion.


Marija Gibutas

103 min

‘The message here is of an actual age of harmony and peace in accord with the creative energies of nature which for a spell of some four thousand prehistoric years anteceded the five thousand years of what James Joyce has termed the 'nightmare' (of contending tribal and national interests) from which it is now certainly time for this planet to wake.’- Joseph Campbell. An absorbing view of the culture, religious beliefs, symbolism and mythology of the prehistoric, pre-patriarchal cultures of Old Europe, who revered and celebrated the Great Goddess of Life, Death and Regeneration in all her many forms - of plants, of stone, of animals and humans - by the scholar who has made the exploration of these cultures her life work. Marija Gimbutas, Ph.D., is professor of archaeology at UCLA and the author of hundreds of scientific papers and a dozen books, including Language of the Goddess. This video of Dr Gimbutas' lecture is illustrated with numerous images of figurines and painted artefacts from these cultures.


3 films with Huston Smith

  1. THE SUFI WAY - Islamic Mysticism





30 min


30 min


30 min

Huston Smith, Ph.D., a professor of philosophy and religion at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for fifteen years, has written many books on world religion. His most famous, "The Religions of Man", has sold more than two million copies.

Dr Smith narrates this in-depth study of Islam and its mystical core, Sufism. Shot on location from India to Morocco, this award winner covers Muslim rituals, the teachings of the Koran, whirling dervishes of Turkey, and the Sufi way to God.

This classic film tells the story of Tibetan Buddhism, alive today in a remote Indian refugee camp. Dr Smith’s poetic narration guides us through a world of ancient rituals, continuous meditation, deep compassion, and a profound faith in the divinity of man.

India, with her paradoxes and extremes, and her many religions is explored. Images gathered from Kashmir to Benares, from Bombay to Bangalore, combine with the poetry of Dr Smith’s words to produce a visual essay of lingering beauty.


60 min

Rare footage of a great teacher who helped introduce Zen to the West. Alan Watts is widely considered the West’s foremost interpreter of Eastern thought. This video covers Zen’s basic teachings through to meditation. It can help change your life, whether you know nothing about Zen or have studied it for years.