Mystery CULTS

Mysteries in Antiquity Archeo-Astronomy, Ancient Anomalies, Messages from the Past We will be featuring the research data and discoveries of Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, Richard Thompson, and many other researchers - concerning the mysterious nature of the monuments at Giza, in South America, and...

BECK index Contents and Introduction Interpretation Mystery Psychology Conclusion: Through the Veil Mystery Psychology Carl Gustave Jung and his disciple Erich Neumann have set forth archetypes of the psyche, and introduced their study,. The Eleusinian Mysteries are a beautiful exle of the...

THE DIVINE MOTHER AND THE VEIL OF DEATH The Mysteries of Eleusis by Sanderson Beck CONTENTS Introduction Eleusis and the Goddesses Origins of Eleusis Persephone: Maiden and Queen of the Underworld Demeter: Mother of the Mysteries and the Grain Agricultural Background and History... Voyage Publishing Science and the Environment Web Site:

DEMETER AND THE FOUNDING OF THE ELEUSIAN MYSTERIES ('The Homeric Hymns': To Demeter,11, 185-299) Hades has carried off Demeter's daughter, Kore. After vainly searching for her, Demeter comes to Eleusis, in disguise as an old woman, and there is received into the house of King Celeus. Soon they...

Excerpt from The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794) by Ann Radcliffe Volume 2, Chapter V Though the deep vallies between these mountains were, for the most part, clothed with pines, sometimes an abrupt opening presented a perspective of only barren rocks, with a cataract flashing from their summit among...

The Mysteries Of Gnosticism Early Christian Afterlife Writings In December 1945, Gnostic books containing many secrets of the early Christian religion was found near the town of Nag Hammadi in upper Egypt.Undisturbed since their concealment...