PHANTOM:( Jericho Again)







Oh I thought I was


A Black Eagle

Glinting in a Flawless Sky.

I woke up this morning

And found mud on my


(Lesley: 24/02/06)



Down the length of years

of my Life Long Living

I track You

Tracking the footprints

of Your Breathing

Sourcing Your Breath

Sorceressing the Source

of You


In the quietude of a

crescent moon night

I hear-


The Silence of Stars

of the Sea at slough tide

Silence of the desert’s Zenith

out of sight of Jericho

out of mind of You.

Saturated in Solitude

I lie waiting



to hear

the Breath of You


to feel

the Caress of You

waiting to scent

the Gentian Breeze of You




to catch just

a whiff    a waft    a whisper

of You


Your Breath.

I feel my soft heart beating


You Breathe Out

I Breathe In

You Breathe me In

I Breathe You Out

We Breathe

I Breathe You In

You Breathe me Out

One Breath.

my room fills with stars

And Silence.


(Lesley Nott 23/03/06)

Cheerio Jericho.


Cheerio Cheerio

Cheerio Jericho.

So long.

Too late.


I’m on the

Escalator to Heaven.

bedazzled in the

Shopping Mall of

Tawdry Tinkling

Blinking Tinsel-Town Spiritual



warehouse weary-whore wares.

See how we Sparkle

See how we Shine

Feel our Feely Feelings

We’re all So Fine!

Got my Rage back

Brick Bat

Smack Attack

Bling Bling Blah.

It’s so much easier

to be a Fake

than to feel the Ache.

I tried to change

my Point of View.

Tried to change

the View.

Tried to Change.

I Tried to Change.

But it always comes


It always comes back

It always comes


To You.


Sunshine Guru of

The Buddha Isles

Roly Poly tum-tum

and Crinkle Crunch Smiles

I’m going to make

a paper aeroplane of you

fold you up tight

and set you on fire.

Going to be my own

Jesus now.

                                          (Lesley: 24/02/06)

PHANTOM:( Jericho Again) 


Tunnel visioned on Eternity

I keep the aching out

trekking my lone caravan

across continents heading

for Jericho, the compass point

of my heart where I left

You Centuries, so long, Centuries long

ago at Carnival Time.

Tambourines and spices


The dancing drums, brilliant silks,

Wild camels.

Tapestries of Desire, wine like Blood

keening Muezzins.

Life living raw uncensored,

Magicians and Jugglers.

Palm trees chandeliered with

dates the colour of Your skin,

Your mouth the purple of plums,

Gypsy eyes.

The musk dew of your dusk time sweat,

torches flaming indigo and gold in

the star powdered midnights

of masks and bells, sitars

and Strange offerings to unknown gods.

I miss You.

I forgot You.

I thought I could

lose You just because

I never knew You.


Sitting on the back door step

sipping coffee and a cigarette

listening to the washing machine

telling all its dirty secrets,

the monkey eye of a Morning Glory

against the backdrop of a blindingly careless

azure gazing sky

tricks me into an Infinite

opening of my pin point iris eyes

And I remember.

I remember Jericho

where I’ve never been

and I ache for the You

I’ve never seen,

longing for the me

I’ve never been.


I hear Coyote laugh

long and low.

Oh I am strong

strong, strong in the

Shattered Places.


( Lesley: 24/02/06)

Living Liminal


I want to be

A commonplace clairvoyant

everyday trance dancer

stand-up ecstatic,

living in the liminal

earth rooted and star strung,

wired for Communion

disciplined for Bliss

a lotus woman in full bloom

Purveyor of Love



Dancing bare-arsed Dervish

Moonstruck and Outflung



How about you?  


  (Lesley Nott 22/03/06)



                    Synchronise Your synchronicities

                    Why don’t You.

                    I’m tired of missing the bus.


                     Going out of my mind

                    Coming home to my senses. 


                    Surrender is when you give up to win.  

                    Cryptic messages are deadly.   

                    Solo is how it feels when your lonesome.




Bodysoft is what I miss.

I attend my griefs

privately, washing their small

bodies in Myrrh, swaddling

them in silences, interring

them in the graveyard of

my heart where no one sees

no one comes, no one goes.



constellations of mourners gather

like stars, like milky ways

they blaze across the midnights

of their pain and these

dumb deaths find their voices

in the throats of mourners gathered

in communal rituals of sorrow.

I give you

I give you

I give you

my solace, my arms to carry

the weight of your stammering shocked silences

to embrace the bear-heavy

stumbling of your stunned exhaustion

murmuring incantations over

your soft balding head to salve,

to soothe, to soothe, to not-alone you.

I shoulder your grief

your expectations

your daughters

your insecurities,

I bear your place in the world

and my desperate dread of destitution.

My ears are shells

singing the seas of

your cares, your triumphs,

your anger, your burdens,

your hopes, your terrors

your everyday nothings.

I bite off a piece of my tongue

each time I forget and begin to

answer your careless enquiries

about my life, my me, myself,

as you walk out the room,

tossing my poised replies over your shoulder

like a pinch of salt to  


ward off a devil.

The bloody stump lies healed in

in my throat. I no longer

regurgitate hope.

I service your life.

You pay my credit card,

and give me “pocket money,”

every Friday.


I am a Phoenix

Risen from the flames

of my fear and your rages,

Risen from the loneliness

of years spent living with your absence,

Risen from your amputating disapprovals,

Risen from your disallowance, your unpredictability,

Risen from my fear of you,

Risen from my self-imposed victim-exile.

I tend myself with silence

with rituals of Frankincense

Oils of Jasmine, Neroli,

Sandalwood and Clary Sage.


(I know you love me

love me, loathe me,

love me, love me as a decent man.

loathe me for not being satisfied.)


Bodysoft is what I miss.

Bodysoft is what I claim.

I am my own soft mother

My own soft child

My own soft lover.

Bodysoft I lay me down

nestled into the purring curve,

the fur-caress of a Lioness

with yellow eyes.

Dreamtime I mount a silken Unicorn

my hands caressing the velvet whiteness

of her warm joyous throat.

Through the Amethyst rock face

behind the hanging waterfall

we fly, we prance; snorting gentian mist

I pass clean through a snow white Bear,

into the Stillness of the Eternal Void.

Becoming Eagle I soar, beak outstretched,

pointing the way to the Medicine place,

where I smoke the Healing Pipe of Peace.

Grandmother Elephant offers me her rough hide

and kind eyes; forehead to forehead she




listens and speaks to me of deep Mysteries,

of singing the bones of the dead, subsonic healing songs,

while the Medicine Woman in her cloak of

Snowy-Owl feathers beckons me to

Enter the circle

Enter the Circle

Enter the Circle

where fish carved on a wooden bucket

swim an Infinity, and all time is now.

I will perform the rituals of Death

and Resurrection, of Living and Healing

with Beings of Light

Ancestors, Allies, Medicine People

And All My Spirit’s Relations


I Enter the Circle.




(Lesley Nott: 19/04/06)