The Allegory of Celestial Navigation


by   Johnes  Ruta


Terra rises early and gazes from the window of her princess chamber:  a window which looks out over parapets  into  the  distance  of  the sky, over mountains and vast hanging gardens of the old kingdom. She turns herself lazily around from west to east, so the sun will softly warm her face, then turns around with warmed eyes again into the dark of her room, where diamonds flicker on  walls the color of  dark night.  A  sigh passes from her soul, first of joy,  then sadness.   “Was my morning not always like this?” she asks herself.   “No,” she remembers  ... “Once there was yesterday, my beloved yesterday...”    -- Of  mornings  basking  in   legends  once  told  her  of  ancient  tenderness,   the great-grandmother she never knew.

            Now unseen  somewhere in the primordial  empty space, Ti'amat --Terra's ancestor mother -- the dragon with two heads and two tails, still coils into and out of herself  in wide spirals.

            Thought to be long dead, Ti'amat  was  now hidden  inside,  her soul curled around the  inner spine of  the one she called  “Medicine Youth”  (her own great grandson,  but the one she wanted),  revealing  herself  to  him in long  turns...

            ...For eventually, after the Beginning, the Lesser Gods, who were born before the Stars, had rebelled in panic hearing the  deceitful rumour  that Ti'amat wished to clear away their din --   Quickly they set about to trap Ti'amat's husband  Apsu-Abyss,    dragon of the underground  waters,   as he lay in the cave,  and then set out to capture Ti'amat herself,  the Rain-Dragon wife --

drawing her also into the cave of herself...

            Marduk, chief of  the lesser gods,  knew they must chop their elders' bodies into the tiniest bits; and he bid them  sew the black of these  molted  pieces together... to make the brocade fabric of the heavens.  Left behind sadly to roam, the younger  Stars  lay each of their own children down into a cradle of this softness. 

So Terra and Luna were borne...

            Even as a child, Terra would run each morning to the next window of her 365 rooms around their center court, to come full circle, from room to room,  each to south,  to dance  around Sol Shamash Utu, her father star,  her heaven... Even  now,  she perfumes herself  in a steam of blue,   swathes  her languid  form  in her gown of green living thought,   where  tiny red-liquid walking spirits trace upon her skin ...    

Luna, her dancing mirror of light, she holds above her face..

            Ea of dawn turns Terra away from the other sparkling great-grandchildren of Ti’amat, to bask again in the honourable splendor of her father. Her two children, Man and Woman, the red-liquid spirits, tread softly upon the brown skin of lovely Terra, who  opens as a flower of morning  beneath the long gaze of  father Sol  arcing above their heads --  the crescent edge of sister Luna,  turned today to his face, is their constant marker... 

            Terra turns through each room,  left and left again,  and her children track into the horizon of her receding east,  across  soft  bosom of sand and meadow...